Order Pickup Information
Online orders must be picked up at our retail store at 4585 Lehua St, Kapaa (map).
Order deadlines are at Midnight on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.
Pickup is in a 3-day window (Saturday, Sunday and Monday ONLY), 2 weeks after the order deadline, from 11am-5pm each day. You will receive an email when your order is ready for pickup. Please set up "web_orders@hokufoods.com" as a contact in your email account to make sure you receive our emails.
For example:
Purchases made on or before the deadline of Saturday the 6th, will be available for pickup roughly 2 weeks later, on any of the following days:
Saturday the 20th
Sunday the 21st
Monday the 22nd
Please Subscribe to Hoku Foods Online news (on the home page) for Web Order Deadline reminders, news, changes, delays, etc.